The possibilities are almost without limit. A Dell Mini 10v is a capable little machine, despite the specifications. One quick (or not so quick) upgrade to 2Gb of RAM and you are on your way to many worlds diverse and beautiful.
I have mentioned the wonderful website before, but for those that haven't been so attentive: go, support, buy games you thought long gone, and enjoy DRM (Digital Rights Management) free bliss. Many of the titles will run natively on your netbook of joy, but some will require some modding. Recent acquisitions include Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic, Disciples 2: Rise of the Elves, Earthworm Jim 1 & 2, and many many more.
Disciples 2 is a masterpiece with a powerful mood. Sadly, the mood is doom and gloom, but they do pull it off amazingly. The fantasy races clash in cloudy sunsets and decrepit lands. The sky is rarely clear. When it is it falls coldly on wet or dead lands. The game features four deities and their followers going to war (five with the inclusion of the elven expansion pack). The races are the stuff of fantasy with a heavy artistic sense. Human's and angels march in "righteousness" while dark and twisted undead rise up as skeletons and liches. The demons are disturbing, the dwarves gruff and grave (Lord of the Rings the book, not the movie).
You can bring up to four friends on one netbook and wage war, or allliances, and the expansion packs allow you to create randomly generated maps that can be massive.
I advise research as you purchase and adventure in the lands of yor. Many classics will dissatisfy you (I remember playing Zork for the first time and am still scarred by its textual let down), but many will leave you wondering how you could miss this adventure, this world, the first time around.
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